
Could your business leaders and experts be the most compelling marketers?

It’s a more serious question than it appears.  For most businesses, a strong brand and great offer will only get you so far.  Ultimately, people buy other people.

That makes senior executives and subject-matter experts a powerful marketing channel.

From vague goals to clear objectives: the impact of active listening

In a world where everyone’s shouting, it’s easy to underestimate the power of listening. Nutrition coach – and Fourteen Forty colleague – Sian Aherne outlines five active listening approaches to build trust and deliver better advice.

What’s the purpose of marketing in 2024?

By Guy Corbet, Fourteen Forty

Received wisdom tells us that businesses should do enough to stay in business, naturally enough.  It also tells us staying in business in itself is not enough.  Businesses and brands should also show leadership, pursuing a social purpose, so says the received wisdom.  It motivates workers and it mobilises customers.

That’s why it was so interesting to hear Kenyatte Nelson, Chief Membership & Customer Officer at the Co-op, at a recent conference. He said that “if I’m not clear about helping my customer meet their purpose, then there’s no purpose for being”. 

Changemakers: poetry and AI, chip wars, artificial wombs, Ig Nobels

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