Weak Links #9: time to bounce back

How should business rebuild post Cover-19?

The first anniversary of Covid-19 in the UK is drawing close.  Businesses have done what they can to survive and now must plan how to bounce back.  

But how should firms communicate around these challenges?  Is remote working here to stay?  How should responsible firms behave?  

Behaving your way to a more responsible corporate culture

By Sandra Macleod, Group CEO, Echo Research and Britain’s Most Admired Companies

COVID-19 forced itself on an unsuspecting world with tragic consequences.  As global leaders in research on reputation and the drivers of behaviour, we sought to assess the pandemic’s impact on trust and reputation among business leaders and the general public.

“It’s on all of us.” Three things responsible firms do

By Guy Corbet, Fourteen Forty

Worlds away, back in March, “it’s on all of us” is how the then-rookie chancellor, Rishi Sunak, set out the challenges ahead.  “We want to look back on this time and remember how, in the face of a generation-defining moment, we undertook a collective national effort – and we stood together. It’s on all of us”.

Six steps to prepare for the recovery

By Guy Corbet, Fourteen Forty

GCSurvival has been the name of the game, but it is not an end game.

For many firms, the main focus so far has been to batten down the hatches in the face of rising uncertainty.

It is time to start rebuilding.  Gradually, the economy will start to splutter back into life.  We will be at the foot of a tall mountain.

Weak Links #7: free speech, silence, corporate citizenship, diversity

“Weak Links?”

In 1973 Stanford Professor Mark Granovetter’s “the strength of weak ties” argued that weak links, between people with different opinions, help new and unfamiliar ideas spread.

Silence is golden in an age of sharing

By Amy Watt, founder, Megawatt Coaching 

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As we settle into self-isolation, silence is likely to become a bigger part of our lives. A little understood virtue in communications, those who harness its power are often on the front foot in their careers and their counsel. 

Ever found yourself in a one-sided conversation about a project, with little chance to speak or ask a question?  If so, you’re not alone.  We comms people are often in overdrive, with many meetings, tasks and priorities.