Weak Links #7: free speech, silence, corporate citizenship, diversity

“Weak Links?”

In 1973 Stanford Professor Mark Granovetter’s “the strength of weak ties” argued that weak links, between people with different opinions, help new and unfamiliar ideas spread.

We hope you enjoy Weak Links, our newsletter, in which we try to get outside the echo chamber to celebrate different views and new ways of thinking.

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In this edition

Don’t be evil

Jess McAree, head of editorial compliance at the Telegraph Media Group, argues that freedom of speech should inform how editorial complaints are handled.

Why silence is golden

Amy Watt, a communications career coach, discusses the importance of active listening for professionals within the industry.

Is diversity the new conformity?

Lindsay Reid, former compliance recruiter and now independent compliance consultant, explains how to draw on diversity of experience.

The new type of corporate citizenship?

Guy Corbet, of Fourteen Forty, on why, business, ordinary people and politicians must get used to having a bigger role in shaping our world.

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